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UBCJA Letter: Mental Health

April 27, 2021

Sisters and Brothers,

We want to open up an important discussion surrounding mental health in our union. When every member joined, we all agreed to be charitable in judgement of our brothers and sisters. We are now renewing that pledge with a mental health call to action. While not exhaustive, we encourage you to be aware of five signs of potential mental health issues:

1. Long lasting sadness or irritability

2. Extremely high and low moods

3. Excessive fear, worry and anxiety

4. Social withdrawal

5. Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits

If you experience any of these symptoms, please reach out for help. Additionally, if you notice any of your Sisters and Brothers experiencing any of the above signs, please notify a family member or your Business Representatives.

We realize that the past year has provided uncertain and challenging times for most of us, and we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the Member and Family Assistance Programs you each have available through your respective health plans. This assistance provides confidential and professional assistance. Please review your Council’s website for more resources.

Admitting you need help is not a weakness. We encourage you all to step up, speak out, and take action. Let’s take care of each other and ourselves.

In Solidarity,

Jason Rowe - Canadian District Vice President

Eric Ledoux – Business Manager

Local 2182

Hamish Stewart

Executive Secretary: Treasurer

British Columbia Regional Council

Miro Maras – Business Manager

Local 2736

Derrick Schulte

Executive Secretary: Treasurer

Alberta Regional Council of Carpenters

Tony Iannuzzi

Executive Secretary: Treasurer

Ontario District Council of Carpenters

Debbie Romero

Executive Secretary: Treasurer

Atlantic Canada Regional Council

Robert Pesant

Executive Secretary: Treasurer

Quebec Regional Council

Ed Spence

Executive Secretary: Treasurer

Millwright Regional Council of Ontario

Michael Kuzyk

Executive Secretary: Treasurer

Prairie Arctic Regional Council

Darrell Hawk – Business Manager

Local 2404

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